We need to be innovative. Where do we start?
A new strategy can have multiple parts that are hard to remember. Having everything distilled into a single thought can help drive the organisation. It starts with a complete understanding:
- What services or products exist or will be developed that are desirable for customers?
- What do customers need that this new platform will satisfy?
- How will it be differentiated in the marketplace?
By using those three lenses a spectrum of responses is developed, each containing a core idea, written statement, customer response and detailed cascade.
Using these foundations enables creative development enabling them to be tested. Following research, the strategy can be refined.
An organising idea cascade is a strategy on a single page. It connects the multiple and complex elements in a visual way that enables everyone in the organisation to see what it is, who it is for and what they must do.
The core elements are:
- Organising idea – what drives us
- Purpose – the reason we exist
- Vision – we are building a world where
- Values – the things we believe in
- Experience principle – which means we feel like
- Behaviour – to live our values we are…
- Operating model – which means we must change to be…
- Customer benefits – our customers get…
Timeline: 4 weeks
- 1 week – desk research and competitor mapping
- 2 weeks – idea development and synthesis
- 2 weeks – stimulus creation and testing

Ready to talk big ideas? And small ones?
Transparent and evaluative approach to new concepts
Customers & Proposition
What are our customer’s needs and goals?
Are you making assumptions about who your customers are? Be more worthwhile to them by helping them achieve their goals.
We need to be innovative. Where do we start?
Do you need to create a standout idea but are struggling to get out of the current way of doing things?
How do we organise our platform to perform well?
Are you sure the taxonomy and information architecture are easy to use to reduce bounce and encourage return use?